Learn how to make these gorgeous and practical bowl, or sourdough jar covers that will make a beautiful addition to your kitchen. A simple, quick, sew and one of my favourite ways to use up scrap fabric, add texture and extra colour to the kitchen or a gift to a friend. This is a great project for a beginner and will have your kitchen filled with bowl covers in no time!
- Bowl you wish to make cover for
- Fabric
- Elastic, I use 7mm
- Bias Binding, I use 12mm but wider can be used
- Fabric Scissors
- Pins or clips
- Ruler
- Washable Sewing Marker
A quick note on fabric and what you might find in my cabinet
My favourite fabrics to use and I will recommend are natural fibres such as Cotton and Linen, these are my most worn fabrics. They are breathable, have a really wonderful feel and extremely comfortable to wear, which is something that is extremely important to me when choosing something to wear or sew with, because if it’s not comfortable I won’t wear it. To make my bowl covers I have chosen cotton to use cotton, now let’s get started!
- Begin by laying your fabric right side facing down and placing your bowl upside down on your fabric. With your washable sewing marker trace all the way around your bowl. Using your ruler add and an extra 1 1/2 inches to your circle and cut your fabric
- Open one side of your bias tape and pin right sides together onto your fabric all around the edge of circle overlapping the bias at the end 1/2 inch
- Sew in the crease of your bias tape around the entire circle
- Turn your bias tape over to the wrong side of your fabric (you will keep your bias tape folded on the other side) and top stitch all the around close to the edge of your bias. Leave a 2 inch opening for your elastic
- Here you can either measure your bowl and take off 4 inches to get the length of elastic or my personal preference is to thread the elastic through my bowl cover first and try it on my bowl and adjust elastic until I have my desired look and then cut and sew my elastic. To thread my elastic I attach a safety pin and feed through my bias opening around the entire circle until it comes out the other end
- Pin your elastic ends together and sew
- Stretch your bowl cover open with hands to get your elastic all the way in before sewing the bias opening closed
- Enjoy your beautiful new bowl cover! I love to use these when making sourdough, yeast breads, for my sourdough starter and even made one to cover my coffee machine grinder!